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Indexes relating to employee issues

Selected indexes relating to employee issues  in the PGE Group and PGE S.A.

The total number of employees broken down by type of employment, type of employment contract and gender (in persons). As at 31 December

Total number of contractors who are not employees whose work is controlled by the organisation (in persons). As at 31 December

Total annual remuneration index

The number of employees covered by the collective bargaining agreement (in persons). As at 31 December

All employees are covered by the labour code and the work regulations and, depending on the company, by resolutions of the Management Board adopting uniform remuneration rules.

Total number of newly hired employees, employees who left the workforce and employee turnover broken down by age and gender (in persons). As at 31 December

Parental leave. As at 31 December

Return-to-work ratio Total number of employees who returned to work after parental leave
Total number of employees who should return to work after parental leave
Employee retention ratio Total number of employees working for the organisation 12 months after returning from parental leave
Total number of employees who returned from parental leave during the reporting period

Number of training hours per year per employee by employment structure (in persons). As at 31 December

Average number of training hours per year per employee broken down by employment category and gender.

The percentage of employees undergoing regular work performance assessments and career development reviews broken down by gender. As at 31 December

The composition of governing and supervising bodies, as well as the personnel broken down by gender and age. As at 31 December

Percentage of employees who will become eligible to retire in 5 and 10 years, with a breakdown by type of work performed. As at 31 December

Percentage of employees who will become eligible to retire in 5 and 10 years, with a breakdown by type of work performed. As at 31 December

Implementation of the Voluntary Leave Programme (VLP) (persons).