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Direction climate neutrality

Strategy implementation

Key indicators and activities related to the implementation of the strategy for the strategic priority of “Environmentally friendly energy”:

  • Objectives

    Construction of offshore wind farms: 2.5 GW by 2030 and more than 6.5 GW by 2040

  • Actions and results in 2023

    • Completed works at Baltica 1:
      • An interim report on environmental studies was received.
      • The first year of studies, including measurements of windiness, sea waves and currents, was completed and an application for an environmental decision was submitted to the Regional Environmental Protection Directorate.
      • An application for an environmental decision for an offshore wind farm connection area was submitted to the Regional Environmental Protection Directorate. A decision on the scope of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report for the offshore wind farm area is pending.
      • A decision on the scope of an EIA report for power evacuation was obtained.
      • The Ministry of Climate and Environment approved the Geological Works Project for land-sea drilling operations.
      • The contracting of geotechnical and geological works is underway.
    • Completed works at Baltica 2:
      • Suppliers of the main components of the offshore wind farm (foundations, cables, turbines, offshore energy station) were selected; supply contracts and first installation contracts for cable laying were signed.
      • The contracting of the General Contractor for the onshore part, the chartering of installation vessels for offshore wind turbines and the installation of foundations and offshore substations.
      • Due diligence reports needed to initialize so called Bank Launch (what took place in January 2024) and to carry out credit process leading to an investment decision are being prepared.
      • Works are underway to sign final agreements with the strategic partner Ørsted on the terms of cooperation during the construction and operation phases.
    • Completed works at Baltica 3:
      • Construction permits for the onshore transformer station and the onshore section of the cable bench were received.
      • The geological and engineering documentation for the power generation evacuation area was submitted to the Ministry of Climate and Environment.
      • All expert opinions on the impact of the offshore wind farm in terms of operational safety were approved.
      • The final construction permit for the offshore part of the power evacuation system (export cable, interlinks) was received, thus providing a complete set of construction permits for the evacuation of power from the project in both the offshore and onshore areas.
    • Completed offshore wind farm development works:
      • The companies in the Offshore Power Generation area received valid and final permits for the construction of artificial islands in the following sea areas: 43.E.1, 44.E.1, 45.E.1, 60.E.3 and 60.E.4.
      • Total potential capacity of wind farms planned for construction in the new areas: approximately 3.9 GW.

Key indicators and activities related to the implementation of the strategy for the strategic priority of “Modern energy services”:

  • Objectives

    Access to green energy for PGE Group customers

  • Actions and results in 2023

    • Sale of PV installations up to 50 kWp with a total volume of 12.6 MWp; 310 sales agreements.
    • Supplementing the “Photovoltaics with PGE” offer with a referral programme.
    • Introduction of a new offer: “PV for a tenner” based on the “own payment + 0% instalments” model.

    Completed works in the Railway Energy Services segment:

    • Commissioning of an on-grid hydrogen storage facility based on an electrolyser, pressure storage facility and a fuel cell system.
    • Cooperation with the Łukasiewicz-Poznański Institute of Technology and launch of a project for the modernisation of the railway system service vehicle (WM-15A), including the introduction of elements of a hydrogen supply system.
    • Implementation of the Green Railways programme, under which 101 GWh of renewable energy was sold. In addition, a letter of intent was signed with the largest passenger carrier PKP Intercity for the implementation of the Green Railways programme.
    • Support for end users in the utilisation of RES – conclusion of agreements for the collection of surplus electricity from RES installations owned by end users with a total installed capacity of 1.2 MW (installations outside the prosumer model).

Key indicators and activities related to the implementation of the strategy for the strategic priority of “Efficient and effective organisation”:

  • Objectives

    Optimisation of asset maintenance costs

  • Actions and results in 2023

    Completed works in the Distribution segment:

    • Unification of the principles of asset maintenance planning and preparation of a detailed operating plan for the specialist departments in the Branches.
    • Development and implementation of guidelines aimed at concluding tree felling contracts in the year prior to felling, in order to optimise asset operation.