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Indexes relating to environmental issues

Selected indexes relating to environmental issues in the PGE Group


Materials by weight and volume

Use of recycled materials

Recovered products and packaging


Energy consumption in the organisation

Total energy consumption
within the organisation
= Used non-renewable raw materials
Used renewable raw materials
Electricity, heat, cold and steam purchased
for the organisation+
Self-generated and not consumed electricity, heat, cold and steam

Sold electricity, heat, cold and steam

Energy consumption outside of the organisation

Energy intensity

Reduced energy consumption

Reduction of energy consumption within products and services

Water management

2023 2022
Total water abstraction in megalitres*: 27,250,808 23,343,193
Total water discharged (sum of wastewater, used water and unused water) in megalitres* 26,925,880 23,200,358
Total water consumption from all areas in megalitres 127,743 *** 155,735**
*The data relates to key companies influencing PGE Capital Group’s water and wastewater management, i.e.: PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna, PGE Energia Ciepła with subsidiaries and PGE Energia Odnawialna.
** In 2022, the volume of 12,901 megalitres does not balance. The difference relates to the company PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna and is due to the fact that the company discharges more water than it abstracts. The additional discharge volume is accounted for by the amount of water from outside the organisation treated at PGE GiEK’s treatment plants, as well as rainwater and snowmelt, which also needs to be accounted for in terms of discharge.
*** In 2023, the volume of 197,185 megalitres does not balance. The difference concerns the companies PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna and PGE Energia Odnawialna. PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna discharges more water than it abstracts. The additional discharge volume is accounted for by the amount of water from outside the organisation treated at PGE GiEK’s treatment plants, as well as rainwater and snowmelt, which also needs to be accounted for in terms of discharge.

At PGE Energia Odnawialna, the balance difference between abstraction and discharge of 208,178 megalitres is due to technological considerations and dependence on the current demand for electricity in the .

Water abstraction

Water discharge

Water consumption

Water consumption = Water abstracted

Water discharged

Water shortages – a situation where the demand for water exceeds the amount of water available at any given time, or poor water quality limits the consumption of water.

Change in water storage levels = Water stored at the end of the reporting period

Water stored at the beginning of the reporting period

CO2 emissions

emissions from the Group’s main plants and allocation of free emission allowances

CO2 emissions in 2023 Allocation of allowances for CO2 emissions in 2023 CO2 emissions in 2022* Allocation of allowances for CO2 emissions in 2022 CO2 emissions in 2021 CO2 emissions in 2020 CO2 emissions in 2019
Total for power plants and CHP plants of PGE Capital Group 56,950,618 641,296 70,010,418 638,546 70,746,383 59,518,765 60,663,255
* The volume of CO2 emissions indicated above relates to all installations of the PGE Group that operate under the EU ETS system. The volume of CO2 emissions is calculated on the basis of and in accordance with the legal regulations applicable to the ETS system, in particular with decisions of competent authorities allowing the emission of greenhouse gases from installations.

Direct greenhouse gas emissions (scope 1)

Indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 2)

Other indirect greenhouse gas emissions (scope 3)

Greenhouse gas emission intensity

Greenhouse gas emission savings factor Total greenhouse gas emissions
Organisation-specific factor

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

EEmissions of ozone-depleting substances (ODS)

Emissions of , and other significant emissions


Significant impact of activities, products, services on .

Protected or restored habitats.

IUCN Red List or National List species under protection located in the company’s areas of operation.

Waste management

Waste generation and significant waste-related impacts.

Waste generated.

Recovered waste

Waste handed over for disposal.

Monetary value of penalties and total number of non-financial sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations in companies with the highest environmental impact [PLN].

Selected indexes relating to environmental issues in PGE S.A.

The indexes below present the Company’s approach to managing its environmental impact in terms of energy, water and paper consumption at the head office of PGE S.A.