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Indexes in the area of human rights and corruption prevention

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Indexes relating to employee issues

Indexes relating to social issues

Selected indexes relating to social issues in the PGE Group and PGE S.A.

Indexes such as:

  • SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index), are presented in the “Customer” section.
  • GRI 418-1 index  – “Total number of substantiated complaints regarding breaches of customer privacy and data loss” is presented in the “Information security management” section.

Compliance with laws and regulations

Direct economic value, generated and distributed

Direct economic value in 2023 in PLN thousand Data from organisation Operating income/costs Other operating activities Financing activities and interest in an
A Total revenue 98,422,172.78 95,963,545.76 151,455.40 2,307,171.63
B Operating costs* 61,481,775.55 56,448,647.20 1,939,409.74 2,246,151.42
B Salaries and employee benefits 7,436,883.55      
B Payments to providers of capital (dividends) 684,546.76      
B Costs of CO2 emissions 23,713,820.22      
B Payments to the state (taxes) 9,877,024.01      
B Social investment (donations and investments for the benefit of
B Sponsorship 87,461.26      
Economic value retained (a-b) -4,902,265.64**      
*excluding costs of salaries and employee benefits, payments to providers of capital, CO2 emissions, payments to the state (taxes), social investments and sponsorship.

**The negative direct economic value is due to the inclusion of write-downs of property, plant and equipment.