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Year ended 31 December Year ended 31 December
2023 2022 2023 2022
PLN million EUR million
Sales revenue 95,964 73,435 21,192 15,663
Operating profit (loss) (3,431) 4,299 (758) 917
Gross profit/(loss) (4,055) 4,110 (895) 877
Net profit/(loss) (4,902) 3,390 (1,083) 723
Net profit/(loss) attributable to shareholders of the parent company (5,012) 3,328 (1,107) 710
Comprehensive income (6,673) 2,897 (1,474) 618
Net cash from operating activities 3,269 11,609 722 2,476
Net cash from investing activities (11,451) (7,296) (2,529) (1,556)
Net cash from financing activities 2,328 841 514 179
Net change in cash and cash equivalents (5,854) 5,154 (1,293) 1,099
Net profit /(loss) per share attributable to shareholders of the parent company (in PLN/EUR per share) (2.23) 1.56 (0.49) 0.33
Diluted net profit /(loss) per share attributable to shareholders of the parent company (in PLN/EUR per share) (2.23) 1.56 (0.49) 0.33
Weighted average number of issued ordinary shares used to calculate profit per share 2,243,712,994 2,129,990,555 2,243,712,994 2,129,990,555
As at As at
31 December 2023 31 December 2022* 31 December 2023 31 December 2022*
PLN million EUR million
Non-current assets 78,340 71,732 18,017 15,295
Current assets 35,103 34,046 8,073 7,259
Total assets 113,443 105,778 26,091 22,554
Equity 47,855 54,383 11,006 11,596
Equity attributable to shareholders of the parent company 46,874 53,538 10,781 11,416
Share capital 19,184 19,184 4,412 4,090
Non-current liabilities 23,378 16,099 5,377 3,432
Current liabilities 42,210 35,296 9,708 7,526
Number of shares at the end of the reporting period 2,243,712,994 2,243,712,994 2,243,712,994 2,243,712,994
Book value per share (in
PLN/EUR per share)
20.89 23.86 4.80 5.09
Diluted book value per
share (in PLN/EUR per share)
20.89 23.86 4.80 5.09
*Reclassification of item

The above financial data have been converted into EUR in accordance with the following rules:

  • the particular items of assets, equity and liabilities – at the average exchange rate specified by the National Bank of Poland as at 31 December 2023 –EUR/PLN 4.3480 and as at 31 December 2021 – EUR/PLN 4.6899.
  • the particular items in the statement of comprehensive income and the statement of cash flows – at the exchange rate constituting the arithmetic mean of the average exchange rates specified by the National Bank of Poland for the last day of each month in the financial year from 1 January 2023 to 31 December 2023 – EUR/PLN 4.5284; for the period from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022 – EUR/PLN 4.6883.