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Circular Economy

The activities of PGE Group companies, in particular the generation of electricity and heat in power plants and combined heat and power plants, result in the production of waste that cannot always be reused or utilised. With a view to protecting natural resources and minimising the impact on the environment, the activities of the PGE Group are aimed at reducing the volume of waste deposited in landfills.

Since 1 January 2020, PGE Group companies have actively participated in the national Waste Database system and fulfil all obligations in this respect on an ongoing basis. This has allowed the development of an effective tool for all participants in the waste management process in the respective companies’ branches. In PGE Group companies, this task is executed in accordance with the provisions set out in the relevant administrative decisions (integrated permits and sectoral decisions).

Waste management in power plants and lignite mines

The minerals accompanying lignite deposits play an important role in the sustainable supply chain of raw and other materials. All generated waste that is not utilised on the companies’ premises is transferred to external companies that hold relevant permits and authorisations in this respect.

PGE Energia Ciepła

Most of the post-processing output is transferred to external customers, either as waste or as a by-product. Periodically, there are situations where the amount of the post-processing output transferred to recipients is greater than the amount of the currently generated output, due to the transfer of waste to external customers from previous periods’ storage inventories. If waste has no economic use, it is transferred to the landfill. In recent years, these are marginal quantities in relation to the total waste output. The by-products of combustion are handed over to third parties for utilisation, which, in line with the regulations recommending a model, should be considered a desirable course of action. In view of the regulatory context and the power supply transformation processes, a gradual reduction in the volume of post-processing waste output should be expected in the coming years.

The substances produced at PGE Energia Ciepła, which are used as raw materials for production, are monitored on a continuous basis. They undergo a number of production-approval tests, which provides a guarantee of their quality and safety in use.

PGE Energia Odnawialna

The company’s waste management processes are carried out in accordance with the Waste Handling Act, internal regulations, e.g. the Waste Management Procedure at PGE EO, and the provisions set out in the relevant permits for the generation of hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

Municipal waste generated by the company is properly segregated and then collected by authorised external enterprises with which appropriate contracts are concluded. Hazardous and non-hazardous waste, on the other hand, is handed over to enterprises holding relevant permits for the collection, transport and disposal of waste. In accordance with the Waste Handling Act, records of waste generated and transferred are kept in the waste database information system. 

The handling of used oil is definitely in line with the principles.  Oil necessary for the correct functioning of hydro- and turbine-sets is treated and purified for reuse on an ongoing basis. Systems are also in place to minimise oil consumption and increase oil reuse potential. These include oil vapour capture systems, sealed oil sumps, as well as oil separators and removers. The resulting waste is handed over to waste recycling or disposal enterprises. Waste heat from block transformers is effectively utilised in the company’s branches. Thanks to dedicated recovery systems, heat is supplied to local district heating networks.

Faulty equipment or other items first undergo tests to check whether they can be repaired or reused before being classified as waste. Some parts or components from faulty equipment are disassembled and used in other equipment. The same applies to materials that can be used in other applications, such as pipes, sections, shafts and raw metals. The company also sells its waste such as scrap metal and used oil. Old oil can be reused after it has undergone a regeneration process.

PGE Dystrybucja

The company makes rational use of its resources. All generated waste that is not utilised on the company’s premises is transferred to external enterprises that hold relevant permits and authorisations.

The generated volume of hazardous waste decreases year by year. Particularly noteworthy is the significant reduction in the generation of non-hazardous waste. In the case of PGE Dystrybucja, the volume of produced waste depended on the scope of operations carried out on the power grid, the occurrence of failures and investment projects under execution.

The development of the Live Working technology, which is considered to be a modern technology of conducting power network operations without the necessity of shutting down power supply lines, influences the maintenance of the quality standards of the transmission and distribution services, as well as reduces losses in the transmission of electricity. An important advantage of the Live Working technology is also the extension of the operating time of switching devices (disconnectors, interrupters and circuit breakers), which has an impact on reducing the amount of waste generated in this area. On the premises of the Zamość branch (in Krasnobród) there is a modern training ground where employees learn and practise how to perform work on live elements of electricity networks.

PGE Energetyka Kolejowa

The company generates waste resulting from its operation relating to the maintenance and construction of the overhead contact line network and power supply facilities. In the course of upgrading network substations, typical construction waste is generated, such as rubble, waste ceramic materials and used equipment.

In late 2022/early 2023, the company started to implement a waste management
monitoring solution within the Ekostrateg IT system, a solution that interacts with the ministerial waste database and enhances the company’s ability to analyse and strictly supervise waste handling processes.

The system allows reports to be generated from the waste database in an automated manner, thus significantly reducing the amount of work required to produce such reports (without the Ekostrateg system, this would have to be done manually).

In 2023, a project was launched to analyse business or legal needs and possibly obtain administrative decisions in the area of waste management. All locations of PGE Energetyka Kolejowa’s administrative, office and storage facilities are subject to verification. Among other things, the costs of adapting individual locations to different waste management models or local legal considerations (e.g. exclusions in local zoning plans regarding waste) are taken into account. The end result is expected to be necessary changes aimed at optimising the waste management process, one of the options under consideration being the creation of HUBs to serve as waste storage facilities.

One of the challenges the company has been facing for many years is the removal of asbestos from its energy facilities (asbestos-containing equipment and asbestos-cement panels) as well as administrative and office facilities. Asbestos removal involves long-term planning and considerable expenditure.  Complete removal of asbestos-containing products and equipment is planned by the end of 2030.

In 2023, the ZMS application was extended to include the possibility of reporting data on asbestos-containing equipment and products. In terms of management, locating asbestos data in the application makes it possible to supervise and monitor on an ongoing basis the condition of asbestos-containing equipment and products, and thus fulfil the applicable legal requirements.

Dedicated tubes for fluorescent lamps have been provided at PGE Energetyka Kolejowa’s locations where waste in the form of used light sources is generated. The capacity of such tubes matches the needs and potential volumes of generated waste. At the end of 2022, the company entered into an agreement with an authorised third party for the collection of used light sources. The agreement covers to the entire territory of Poland.