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Word Explanation
BAT Best Available Technology
Biomass the biodegradable fraction of products, waste or residues of biological origin from agriculture, including vegetal and animal substances, forestry and related industrial sectors, including fisheries and aquaculture, processed biomass, notably in the form of briquettes, pellets, biochar and biocarbon, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial or municipal waste of plant or animal origin, including waste from waste treatment installations and waste from the treatment of water and wastewater, in particular sewage sludge, in accordance with the regulations applicable to waste with respect to eligibility of energy fraction recovered from thermal waste treatment
Biodiversity the biological diversity of life forms on the Earth
BREF Best Available Techniques Reference Document
CO2 carbon dioxide
CCI Corporate Community Involvement
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
Distribution transportation of energy via high voltage (110 kV), medium voltage (15 kV) and low voltage (400V) distribution networks to customers
Pumped storage power plant a special type of a hydroelectric power plant that allows electricity to be stored. For this purpose, the upper water reservoir is used. Using excess electricity, water is pumped from the lower reservoir to the upper one. Pumped storage plants provide regulatory services to the national power system. During periods of increased demand for electricity, water from the upper reservoir is released onto the turbine. In this way, electricity is generated.
EMAS EcoManagement and Audit Scheme. It is an EU environmental certification scheme which functions on the basis of Regulation (EC) No 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of November 25, 2009 on the voluntary participation by organisations in a Community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)
HPP hydro power plant
EU ETS European Union Emission Trading Scheme. It is a key element in the EU’s climate change policy and its main tool for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a cost-effective way. It is the world’s first and so far largest emission allowance market.
European Green Deal An action plan for a sustainable economy in the European Union. It aims to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Achieving this goal will require a socio-economic transition in Europe: one that is cost-effective, fair and socially sustainable. The new programme consists of initiatives in a number of closely related fields, such as climate, environment, energy, transport, industry, agriculture and sustainable financing. The EU will also provide financial support and technical assistance to individuals, businesses and regions most affected by the transition to a green economy. This will be done through the just transition mechanism that is expected to provide EUR 150 billion to the most affected regions in the years 2021-2027.
Photovoltaic farm Installation for the generation of electricity using solar radiation
Offshore farm An offshore wind farm
Onshore farm An onshore wind farm
GJ gigajoule, SI unit of energy, 1 GJ = 1000/3.6 kWh = approx. 278 kWh
GWh gigawatt hour, unit of electrical energy, 1 GWh =1,000,000 kWh
Circular economy a system that minimises the consumption of raw materials and waste volumes as well as emissions and energy losses by creating a closed-loop of processes where waste from one process is used as raw material for another, thus reducing generation to a maximum extent
IED Industrial Emissions Directive
FGD Flue gas desulphurisation
TWPER Thermal waste processing plant with energy recovery
Power generation unit a separate unit of equipment belonging to a power utility and used for generating electricity or heat, as well as power evacuation, described by means of technical and commercial data
Cogeneration simultaneous generation of heat and electrical or mechanical energy in the same technological process
NPS National Power System, a collection of devices and equipment for the distribution, transmission and generation of electricity, connected to form a system allowing the supply of electricity in the territory of Poland
kWh kilowatt hour, SI unit of electrical energy describing how much energy a 1 kW appliance consumes in one hour, 1 kWh = 3,600,000 J = 3.6 MJ
WF Wind farms
OffWF Offshore wind farm
MW SI unit of power, 1 MW = 106 W
MWh megawatt hour, unit of electrical energy, 1 MWh=1000 kWh
Nm3 normal cubic metre; a non-SI unit of account denoting the volume of dry gas contained in 1 m3 at a pressure of 1013 hPa and a temperature of 0°C
NOx nitrogen oxides
Renewable energy sources (RES) sources using wind, solar, geothermal, wave, current, tidal and river gradient energy, as well as energy obtained from biomass, landfill biogas, and biogas produced in the process of sewage disposal or treatment, or decomposition of stored plant and animal remains
Distribution system operator (DSO) an electricity undertaking distributing gaseous fuels or electricity, responsible for network traffic within the gas distribution system or electricity distribution system, the current and long-term security of the system’s operation, the operation, maintenance, repair and necessary development of the distribution network, including connections with other gas systems or other electricity systems
DSC A description of the subject of the contract
Prosumer a final customer purchasing electricity on the basis of a comprehensive agreement, producing electricity exclusively from renewable energy sources in a micro-installation to be used for their own purposes, not related to their business activity
PV A photovoltaic installation
Regulator President of the ERO who performs the tasks assigned to them by the Energy Law. Their responsibilities include issuing licenses and approving energy tariffs for electricity undertakings, as well as appointing transmission and distribution system operators
Rehabilitation Restoration of the usefulness and natural character of areas transformed by human activity through the recreation of their environmental features or formation of new ones
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index – an index of the average (mean) system interruption duration (long, very long and catastrophic), expressed in minutes per customer per year, being the sum of the product of its duration and the number of customers exposed to the consequences of interruptions during the year divided by the total number of customers served. SAIDI does not include interruptions shorter than 3 minutes and is determined separately for planned and unplanned interruptions. It applies to outages on low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV) and high voltage (HV) networks, while the SAIDI index in the quality tariff does not include outages on LV networks
SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index – an index of the average (mean) system frequency (number) of interruptions (long, very long and catastrophic), representing the number of customers exposed to the consequences of all such interruptions during the year divided by the total number of customers served. SAIFI does not include interruptions shorter than 3 minutes and is determined separately for planned and unplanned interruptions. It applies to outages on low voltage (LV), medium voltage (MV) and high voltage (HV) networks, while the SAIFI index in the quality tariff does not include outages on LV networks
Low voltage (LV) network An electricity network with rated voltage of up to 1 kV
Medium voltage (MV) network An electricity network with rated voltage of between 1 kV and 110 kV
High voltage (HV) network An electricity network with rated voltage of 110 kV
SOx sulphur oxides
Start-up an enterprise at an early stage of development, created with a view to building new products or services and operating under conditions of high uncertainty. The most frequently mentioned characteristics of start-ups include the following: short operating history (up to 10 years), innovativeness, possibility of expansion, higher risk than in “traditional” enterprises, but also potentially higher return on investment.
ToR Terms of Reference
Tariff a set of prices, rates and conditions for their application, drawn up by an electricity undertaking and introduced as binding for particular customers under a statutory procedure
TWh terawatt hour, multiple unit of the SI unit of electricity – 1 TWh is 109 kWh
CBP combustion by-products
ERO Energy Regulatory Office
CSI customer satisfaction index
CLI customer loyalty index
Co-firing the generation of electricity or heat based on the co-firing, in a single device, of biomass or biogas with other fuels; part of energy produced in this way can be considered as energy from a renewable energy source