Corporate governance
The fundamental principles of management are the basis for the efficient functioning of an organisation and the achievement of its financial and non-financial objectives. They have a special dimension in such a complex Group as PGE.
PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna is a joint-stock company. According to the Polish Commercial Companies Code, a joint-stock company has the following governing bodies:
- the General Meeting at which shareholders (co-owners) of the company meet,
- the Supervisory Board,
- the Management Board.
The powers of the respective bodies are set out in the company’s Statutes, whose content is determined by the company’s General Meeting.
A simplified governance structure (as at December 31, 2023) is presented in the diagram below
The General Meeting
The rules of the General Meeting are set out in the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code and the Company Statutes. Additional issues relating to the functioning of the General Meeting are governed by the Rules of Procedure of the General Meeting.
In accordance with the provisions of the Code of Commercial Companies and the Company Statutes, the basic powers of the General Meeting include the adoption of resolutions on the following matters:
- consideration and approval of the Management Board’s report on the company’s activities, financial statements and consolidated financial statements for a previous financial year,
- discharge for the members of the Supervisory Board and the Management Board for the performance of their duties,
- decisions on the distribution of profit and the financing of loss,
- appointment and dismissal of members of the Supervisory Board and determination of the principles for remunerating members of the Supervisory Board,
- disposal or lease of an enterprise or its organised part, or establishment of a limited property right thereon,
- entering into a credit, loan, surety or other similar agreement with or for the benefit of a Member of the Management Board or, the Supervisory Board, commercial proxy or liquidator,
- increase or decrease in the company’s share capital,
- issue of convertible or priority bonds and the issue of subscription warrants,
- decisions with respect to claims for compensation of damage caused in connection with the establishment of the company and the fulfilment of managerial or supervisory duties,
- the company’s mergers, transformations and demergers,
- redemption of shares,
- changes to the Statutes or changes to the objects of the company,
- the company’s dissolution and liquidation,
- the company’s management of shares in a company for which a frequency reservation was made in the bands 452.5-457.5 MHz and 462.5-467.5 MHz in accordance with the frequency reservation decision issued, after agreement with the minister responsible for energy matters, by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications,
- determination of the manner of voting at the General Meeting of a company for which a frequency reservation was made in the bands 452.5-457.5 MHz and 462.5-467.5 MHz in accordance with the frequency reservation decision issued, after agreement with the minister responsible for energy matters, by the President of the Office of Electronic Communications, on matters concerning amendments to such a company’s statutes / articles of association.
The acquisition and disposal of real property, perpetual usufruct or an interest in real estate does not require a resolution of the General Meeting.
The company’s General Meeting may only adopt resolutions on matters included in its detailed agenda, subject to Article 404 of the Commercial Companies Code. This article stipulates that no resolution may be adopted on items not included in the agenda unless the entire share capital is represented at the General Meeting and no one present objects to the adoption of a resolution. Only a motion to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting and motions of an organisational nature may be voted on even though they have not been included in the agenda.
There was one reporting session of the General Meeting in 2023. The Ordinary General Meeting was held on 28 April 2023 and it mainly dealt with the financial statements for the year 2022.
The Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. operates on the basis of the Commercial Companies Code of 15 September 2000, the Company’s Statutes and the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board of a joint-stock company is the controlling body in relation to the company’s Management Board and exercises constant supervision over the company’s activities in all areas of its operations.
The composition of the Supervisory Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. in 2023
In 2023, the composition of the Supervisory Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. was as follows:
On 9 February 2023, the company received the resignation of Mr Marcin Kowalczyk from his position on the Supervisory Board of PGE S.A., effective as of 9 February 2023. On 28 April 2023, the Ordinary General Meeting of PGE S.A. appointed Mr Cezary Falkiewicz to the Supervisory Board. On 30 November 2023, Mr Cezary Falkiewicz resigned from his position on the Supervisory Board. On 29 December 2023, the Minister of State Assets dismissed Mr Zbigniew Gryglas from the Supervisory Board.
On 25 January 2024, the Minister of State Assets appointed Michał Domagała to the Supervisory Board by declaration. On 31 January 2024, the Extraordinary General Meeting:
- 1. dismissed the following members of the Supervisory Board: Janina Goss, Artur Składanek, Radosław Winiarski, Tomasz Hapunowicz and Mieczysław Sawaryn.
- 2. appointed the following persons to the Supervisory Board:
- 1. Małgorzata Banasik
- 2. Eryk Kosiński
- 3. Andrzeja Kozyra
- 4. Elżbieta Niebisz
- 5. Sławomir Patyra
- 6. Andrzej Rzońca
- 7. Andrzej Sadkowski
On 7 February 2024, a new Presidium of the Supervisory Board was elected. Furthermore, on 7 February 2024, the Supervisory Board passed resolutions to delegate the following Supervisory Board Members to the Management Board:
- Eryk Kosiński to temporarily perform the duties of a Member of the Management Board for a period of 3 months and to fulfil the duties of the President of the Management Board,
- Małgorzata Banasik to temporarily perform the duties of a Member of the Management Board for a period of 3 months.
6 marca 2024 roku Rada Nadzorcza podjęła uchwały dot. zakończenia delegowania Członków Rady Nadzorczej do czasowego wykonywania czynności Członków Zarządu PGE S.A.
In 2023, there were four Supervisory Board Committees:
In 2023, the composition of the committees of the Supervisory Board was as follows:
Composition of the Management Board
Nomination and selection of members of the highest governance bodies
In the nomination and selection of members of the highest governance body, competencies relevant to the impact of the organisation are taken into consideration. The criterion of independence is also taken into account.
Communication of critical concerns
The company’s Management Board is informed of the occurrence of risks that may give rise to critical problems during its meetings. Members of the Management Board are kept informed of such problems through the activities of its committees, with a key role of the Risk Committee. If it is appropriate to notify the Supervisory Board, relevant information is provided to the Supervisory Body by the Management Board of PGE S.A. In 2022, a critical threat related to the war in Ukraine was identified.
In connection with the situation in Ukraine, a crisis team was established at the central level of the PGE Group to continuously monitor threats and identify potential risks. The team continued its work in 2023.
As part of the team’s work, monitoring is carried out which covers the security of electricity and heat generation and supply, as well as the protection of the critical and IT infrastructure. The team is also responsible for taking actions to minimise the risk of an emergency situation, preparing the companies belonging to the Group for an emergency situation and planning, organising and coordinating works to ensure the continuity of operation of PGE S.A. and the PGE Group.
Crisis teams were also set up in key PGE Group companies, operating 24 hours a day, carrying out continuous monitoring and identifying potential risks in order to minimise the threat to electricity and heat supply.
Evaluation of the performance of the highest governance body
An evaluation of the highest governance body’s performance in overseeing the management of the organisation’s economic, social and human impact is independent. The current principles for the remuneration of the Members of the Management Board were established by the Extraordinary General Meeting of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. in its resolution of 7 March 2022.
The general catalogue of management objectives includes the following:
- the achievement of EBITDA for the PGE Capital Group at the level specified in the approved material and financial plan for a given financial year,
- compliance with the covenants under credit agreements – (net debt/EBITDA),
- the achievement of the required availability indicator for the selected power generation units of the PGE Capital Group,
- implementation of specific strategic investment projects and programmes,
- adaptation to the essence of structural changes in the sector through the implementation of strategic programmes and projects other than those mentioned above,
- effective utilisation of the potential of innovation,
- development of a systemic approach to communication within the PGE Group with respect to projects.
The additional management objectives determining the possibility of receiving the variable part of the remuneration relate to the shaping and application of remuneration rules for members of the management and supervisory bodies and are in line with the State Property Management Act and the fulfilment of specific obligations resulting from this Act.
On the basis of the Company Statutes, the Supervisory Board sets management objectives for the Management Board and determines the remuneration and other contractual terms and conditions and concludes agreements with the members of the Management Board (including the President of the Management Board), subject to the powers of the General Meeting resulting from the mandatory provisions of the law.
Furthermore, the Appointment and Remuneration Committee of the Supervisory Board is tasked with periodically reviewing the remuneration system for the Members of the Management Board and executives reporting directly to the Members of the Management Board, including management contracts and incentive systems, and with submitting proposals to the Supervisory Board for shaping them with a view to achieving the company’s strategic objectives.
The Appointment and Remuneration Committee also provides the Supervisory Board with opinions on justifications for the award of performance-based remuneration in terms of assessing the extent to which the company’s specific tasks and objectives have been achieved.
PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna S.A. also has a remuneration policy for the Members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board, which sets out the bases and principles for determining, calculating and paying the remuneration of the Members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.
It was adopted by a resolution of the company’s General Meeting on 26 June 2020 and amended by a resolution of the General Meeting on 22 June 2022. The solutions adopted in the policy contribute to the implementation of the Company’s business strategy, the pursuit of its long-term interests, and its stability.
Rules for determining the remuneration of the Members of the Management Board of PGE S.A.
The remuneration of the Members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board as well as key executives is sufficient to attract, retain and motivate people with the competencies necessary for the proper management and supervision of the company.
On 9 September 2016 the Act on the Principles of Determining Remuneration for People Managing Some Companies of 9 June 2016, the so-called new Chimney Act, entered into force. The new Chimney Act regulates, among other things, the manner of establishing the principles of determining remuneration for members of management boards and supervisory boards in companies where the State Treasury is a shareholder (such as PGE S.A.), and in particular specifies how remuneration is determined and granted to members of management boards and supervisory boards (the principles of determining remuneration for members of management boards and supervisory boards are adopted by a general meeting, while a supervisory board adopts resolutions on concrete conditions of remunerating members of a management board). The Act also specifies selected clauses of agreements for the provision of management services to be entered into with members of management boards.
On 14 December 2016, the Extraordinary General Meeting adopted resolution no. 4 on the principles of determining the remuneration of the Members of the Management Board of PGE S.A., which was subsequently amended by resolution no. 37 of the Ordinary General Meeting held on 27 June 2017. Subsequently, on 7 March 2022, the Extraordinary General Meeting adopted resolution no. 5 repealing the previously adopted principles for determining the remuneration of Members of the Management Board and introduced new principles for determining the remuneration of Members of the Management Board. The changes resulting from the resolution of 7 March 2022 were subsequently incorporated into the Remuneration Policy for the Members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of PGE S.A. by resolution no. 11 of the Ordinary General Meeting of 22 June 2022. According to the company’s internal by-laws, the remuneration of Members of the Management Board consists of a fixed part constituting a monthly basic salary and a variable part constituting supplementary remuneration for a given financial year, depending on the achievement of managerial objectives.
Rules for determining the remuneration of the Members of the Supervisory Board of PGE S.A.
The amount of the remuneration of Members of the Supervisory Board of PGE S.A. was determined by resolution no. 5 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 14 December 2016 concerning the principles of determining the remuneration of Members of the Supervisory Board. These principles are included in the Remuneration Policy for Members of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of PGE S.A. adopted by the General Meeting in its resolution no. 9 of 26 June 2020, and amended by a resolution of the General Meeting of 22 June 2022.
The terms and conditions of remuneration of the Supervisory Board Members are in accordance with the principles set out in the adopted Remuneration Policy. The structure of remuneration of persons performing the functions of Members of the Supervisory Board consists of a fixed remuneration determined in connection with the appointment as Chairperson of the Supervisory Board or Member of the Supervisory Board.
The monthly remuneration of Members of the Supervisory Board was determined as the product of the average monthly remuneration in the enterprise sector excluding profit-based payments in the fourth quarter of the previous year, as announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office, and the multiplier: 1.7 (for the Chairperson of the Supervisory Board), 1.5 (for the other Members of the Supervisory Board).
In accordance with the Remuneration Policy, Supervisory Board Members do not receive additional cash or non-cash benefits.
The Appointment and Remuneration Committee
The Appointment and Remuneration Committee is responsible for supporting the process of achieving the Company’s strategic objectives by presenting to the Supervisory Board opinions and proposals concerning the shaping of the management structure, including organisational solutions, the remuneration system and the recruitment of the personnel possessing required qualifications.
The Appointment and Remuneration Committee is responsible in particular for the following:
- initiating and providing opinions on solutions concerning the system of appointing members of the Management Board,
- providing opinions on the Management Board’s proposed solutions concerning the Company’s management system aimed at ensuring the effectiveness, coherence and security of the Company’s system of management, as well as their compliance with the applicable legal and internal regulations,
- periodically reviewing and recommending principles for determining the incentive remuneration of Members of the Management Board and senior executives, in line with the company’s interests,
- periodically reviewing the system of remuneration of Members of the Management Board and executives reporting directly to Members of the Management Board, including management contracts and incentive systems, and submitting to the Supervisory Board proposals for determining them in the context of achieving the company’s strategic objectives,
- presenting to the Supervisory Board opinions concerning justifications for granting remunerations dependent on results within the context of evaluating progress in the performance of the company’s particular tasks and achievements,
- evaluating the company’s human resources management system.
As at the date of the publication of the report, the composition of the Appointment and Remuneration Committee was as follows:
- Małgorzata Banasik – Member
- Michał Domagała – Member
- Anna Kowalik – Chairperson
- Andrzej Kozyra – Member
- Sławomir Patyra – Member
In the year 2023 the Appointment and Remuneration Committee held three meetings.
The subjects discussed by the Appointment and Remuneration Committee in 2023 were as follows:
- Discussing the proposed managerial objectives for the Management Board of PGE S.A. for 2023,
- Discussing the reports on the achievement of the managerial objectives for 2022 by the Management Board of PGE S.A.
Application of corporate governance principles by the Company – Best Practices
In 2023 PGE S.A. was obliged to follow the corporate governance principles described in “Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2021” (Best Practices 2021, DPSN). Best Practices 2021 were adopted with the Resolution of the Board of the WSE no. 13/1834/2021 on March 29, 2021 and are obeyed by PGE starting from July 1, 2021. The text of the Best Practices is published on the official website of the Warsaw Stock Exchange devoted to corporate governance:
Moreover, pursuant to Art. 7 sec. 3 of the Act on the principles of state property management, the Prime Minister may specify best practices in the field of corporate governance. Due to the fact that the Prime Minister did not specify the best practices referred to above, in terms of best practices in 2023, the Company did not apply any other practices – apart from those indicated in the DPSN.
Companies complying with the Best Practices are required to report on their application. A comprehensive study of compliance with the Best Practices at the Company and the Group was carried out, involving a number of relevant departments.
A matrix of the responsibilities of the organisational units in relation to each principle was prepared and the data and necessary explanations were collected to determine the degree of compliance with the Best Practices. Additionally, the Company took into account the Corporate Governance Committee’s guidance on the application of the Best Practices rules, which was edited based on questions raised by issuers.
The application status report was presented to the Management Board and the Supervisory Board of the Company with explanations and comments. The Company’s Management Board approved the report on July 30, 2021 and the company published the report in the EIB system on that date. In the report, the Company declared the application of 53 Best Practices rules, which, according to the statements available at the date of preparation of this report on the Best Practices Scanner website ( means the achievement of a COMPLY factor (declared level of compliance with the Best Practices 2021) of 84%, compared to 82% for the Energy sector and 79% for WIG index companies. The Company monitors the application of the rules on an on-going basis and publishes relevant information in the event of a breach.
Since December 2021, a Sustainability Committee has been operating at the Company, that is responsible for the implementation of ESG principles at PGE Group, including as part of governance management, and prepares recommendations and recommendations for increasing the scope of application of the Best Practices.
Selected aspects of the company’s application of the DPSN rules in 2023.
Other practices in the PGE Group
PGE Group has had a Code of Ethics in place since 2015. PGE Group’s Code of Ethics is a set of values and principles that apply throughout PGE Group.
The Code sets out PGE Group’s core ethical values and the standards expected of employees, including management.
Everyone acting for and on behalf of PGE Group is required to be familiar with the Code and, above all, to observe the values and principles set out in the document.
PGE Group’s Code of Ethics regulates the manner in which irregularities are reported in the event of breaches and non-compliance with applicable values and principles.
More about the Code of Ethics in the chapter on Organisational culture