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Code of Ethics of PGE Capital Group

Employees’ values and key principles of conduct in their daily work are set out in the PGE Group Code of Ethics. The Vice President of the Management Board of PGE S.A. for Support and Development, as the officer responsible in the the Management Board for the Compliance area, is involved in promoting the provisions of the Code and implementing them into the everyday functioning of the organisation.

The PGE Group Code of Ethics promotes honesty, commitment to duty, attention to quality, innovation and professionalism, open communication, respect for others and cooperation regardless of position or diversity. It is a fundamental document in terms of ethics and compliance. It constitutes the overarching declaration and basis for other internal regulations. The Code of Ethics introduces a standard for relations within the company as well as between PGE and its stakeholders with a view to ensuring the PGE Group’s transparent, honest and ethical operations. All employees and other persons, at every level, in every situation in which they act on behalf of the company, are required to act in accordance with the values and principles described in the Code of Ethics. The Code provides a benchmark for decision-making, as well as a set of standards and behaviours. It draws attention to human rights obligations by, among other things, emphasising openness to diversity, understood in terms of origin, gender, sexual orientation, culture, age and marital status, as well as religious or political beliefs, or membership or non-membership of social and professional organisations. The Code of Ethics emphasises that no forms of discrimination are tolerated in the PGE Group.

The role of the Code of Ethics is to support the achievement of the company’s strategic objectives in line with its values. The purposes of applying the principles contained in the Code are the following:

  • meeting the expectations of the organisation’s stakeholders to operate in accordance with the law and to the highest ethical standards, building and nurturing their trust in the organisation, and creating a working environment based on ethical behaviour and integrity,
  • providing information on values and practical action tips to facilitate choices and decision-making,
  • promoting integrity and impact through a stated expectation of suppliers, subcontractors and business partners to adhere to the same standards of the rule of law and integrity, thereby supporting the protection of human rights throughout the supply chain.

Ensuring that employees and other persons performing work for and on behalf of PGE Group companies have access to information about the PGE Capital Group Code of Ethics, including the values and common principles contained therein, is an important element of the compliance system.

Values and principles of the PGE Group

The values of the PGE Group: Partnership, Development, Responsibility. The core ethical values presented and described in the Code of Ethics were selected by management representatives in 2016 and subsequently adopted at the top management level, together with the entire Code of Ethics, by resolutions of the management boards of the individual companies.

Our values

Besides the values, the Code of Ethics describes – in the form of practical principles – the PGE Group’s standards of conduct that the organisation declares to pursue and expects to be applied by all employees and other persons performing work for and on behalf of PGE Group companies.

The twelve principles of the Code of Ethics can be divided into four thematic blocks:

  • Our company

    • We care about the sustainable and safe development of the PGE Capital Group
    • We are there for our customers
    • We care about the climate and the environment
  • Integrity in our company

    • We compete fairly
    • We do not tolerate corruption or dishonest behaviour
    • We handle company information responsibly
  • People around us

    • We care about human rights, including safe and friendly working conditions
    • We develop continuously, are proactive and show initiative
    • The safety and health of those working for the PGE Group are our priorities
  • Fair external relations

    • We nurture good relations with business partners
    • We care about relationships with local communities
    • We build trust by providing reliable information about our activities

Translating the values and principles of the Code into the practical language of attitudes and behaviour in specific situations is one of the due diligence tools for the actual application of the Code of Ethics and other compliance policies in the organisation. Examples of appropriate behaviour and attitudes are systematically and consistently introduced into the records of internal regulations, training in operational areas, communications of the Management Board and executives with employees or internal messages.

Among the qualitative results of the introduction and application of the Code of Ethics are an increase in employees’ and stakeholders’ awareness of the benefits of acting with integrity and more attention paid to the relevance of ethical issues.

Conducted in December 2022, a survey called “Knowledge of the Values and Principles of the PGE Group Code of Ethics”, whose results were published in January 2023, showed that

93 %

of the Group’s employees felt that the current values met the needs of the organisation

96 %

felt that the values and principles were in line with their personal code of ethical integrity

>85 %

of employees believe that the employee health and safety principles are a priority for the PGE Group, corruption and dishonest behaviour are not tolerated in PGE and it is most important for the organisation to take care of the sustainable and safe development of the PGE Capital Group

Another such survey is planned for early 2025.