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Business model evolution

Organisational capitals

The functioning of any organisation is based on the use of capitals and their transformation. Organisational capitals are all the resources – tangible and intangible – available in an organisation, which it uses in its activities and which are increased, decreased or transformed as a result of its activities and results. It is important to bear in mind that value creation within the different capitals does not only include financial values and can have different dimensions.

Our capitals in the PGE Group include:

  • human capital
  • social capital
  • intellectual capital
  • financial capital
  • natural capital
  • production capital

The use of these capitals is closely linked to the business model and its changes described in more detail in the chapter Evolution of the business model. In a changing organisation, the scale of the use of individual organisational capitals and the results obtained with them will also evolve.

The contribution and effects (value created) are presented in the following PGE Group’ s value creation model in the 2030 perspective.


Human capital

  • Number of employees: 43 644 people
  • Employee volunteering
  • Management of diversity
  • Social dialogue
  • Employees: decrease in employment as a result of the spin-off of PGE GiEK and demographic and digitalisation trends
  • Further development of employees focused on the area of renewable energy and modern energy services

Intellectual capital

  • Research and Development Centre for Circular Economy
  • Research and development programs
  • Cooperation with scientific institutions
  • 100% remote customer service capability
  • Automation and digitalisation of processes

Natural capital

  • Lignite output 38.4 million tonnes
  • Wind power capacity 797 MW
  • Total volume of water used 27 251 million m3
  • Carve-out of coal assets
  • Wind power capacity additional 1 GW
  • Photovoltaic capacity > 3 GW
  • Offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea 2.5 GW by 2030 and 6.5 GW by 2040

Financial capital

  • Equity PLN 47.9 billion
  • Cash PLN 6.0 billion
  • Available credit lines in current accounts PLN 5.7 billion
  • Share of support funds in PGE Group’s financing needs at 25%
  • Investments in the project finance formula
  • Use of the potential of green debt financing
  • Funds from equity issue of PLN 3.2 billion

Production capital

  • Installed electricity capacity Conventional Generation 12 852 MW
  • Installed electricity capacity Renewables segment 2 480 MW
  • Installed thermal power District Heating segment 6 130 MWt
  • Length of distribution network 301.3 thousand km
  • Spin-off of coal assets (-12.8 GW)
  • Change in energy mix towards low- and zero-emission sources
  • Conversion of CHP plants to gaseous fuels and biomass, use of electrode boilers and large-scale heat pumps
  • Development of distribution networks to make full use of distributed sources

Social capital

  • Just Transition dialogue
  • Activation of local communities: “Choczewo – a Wind Driven Commune”
  • Social campaign “Polish – I buy it!”
  • Commitment to charitable activities (PGE Foundation), sponsoring culture and sport, nurturing national identity
  • Clean air and water. Cooperation in programs to combat smog.
  • Cooperation with energy communities
  • Building awareness and public engagement on the energy transition
  • Stakeholder education on the energy transition

Outcomes for employees

  • Total number of training days 494.2 thousand
  • Cost of employee benefits PLN 7 462 million
  • Competence Development Centre
  • Provision of a modern and friendly working environment
  • Development of competences and qualifications
  • Redeployment and retraining in energy transition regions

Outcomes for the environment

  • CO2 emissions 57.0 million tonnes
  • Land rehabilitated 2300 ha
  • R&D programs focused on environmental protection: 27
  • The volume of combustion by-products collected from supliers 3.5 million tons
  • Over 120 million tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided by 2030
  • Increase in waste recycling rate and reduction in landfill volume

Financial outcomes

  • EBITDA PLN 10 028 million
  • Capital expenditures PLN 10 088 million
  • Financial standing: long-term rating Baa1 (Moody’s), BBB+ (Fitch), stable outlook
  • EBITDA in 2030 > PLN 6 billion
  • Average annual capital expenditures in 2021-2030 PLN 7.5 billion
  • Stable credit rating maintained

Outcomes for customers

  • Customer Satisfaction Index (for PGE Obrót, G tariff) 89.1%
  • Connection of household PV installations (+794 MW)
  • Connection of new customers to the district heating network (+210 MWt)
  • 100% remote customer service capability
  • Maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction in the energy market
  • Renewable energy installations for customers
  • >100 000 individual heating sources replaced by 2030

Social outcomes

  • Taxes paid to the state PLN 9 877 million
  • Donations made by PGE Foundation: 961 donations for over PLN 27m
  • Voluntary activities by employees >110 thousand trees planted in 2023
  • Just transition dialogue
  • Social engagement and corporate social responsibility
  • Increased involvement in new investment regions, e.g. offshore wind farms
  • Continued involvement in coal regions despite spin-off of coal assets
2023 results Activities of PGE 2023 Electricity sold to final customers 34.7 TWh Electricity production 56.8 TWh Electricity Energy supplied to customers 38.9 TWh Electricity distribution services Heat production 50.3 PJ Heat District heating network 700 km Heat distributions services The volume of combustion by-products collectedfrom suppliers 3.5 million tons Processed by-products ConventionalGeneration Supply Renewables Distribution DistrictHeating CircularEconomy ELECTRICITY AND HEATPRODUCTION ENERGY MARKET ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Railway EnergyServices 2030 results Activities of PGE 2030 Electricity RES production increase Transitional drop in production at conventionalsources after coal assets carve-out approx. 80% Electricity distribution services Increase in the volume of energy delivered tocustomers along with the growing electrification ofprocesses taking place in the economy Increased energy efficiency reduces the rate ofgrowth of energy consumption forecasts Heat Maintaining the level of installed thermal powerwhen replacing coal sources with low and zeroemission sources Increased volumes due to the connection ofnew customers Heat distributions services Increasing the waste recirculation rate and reducingthe volume of landfilled waste Processed by-products Gas-firedGeneration Supply Renewables Distribution DistrictHeating CircularEconomy ELECTRICITY AND HEATPRODUCTION ENERGY MARKET ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Railway EnergyServices
2023 results Activities of PGE 2023 Supply Distribution CircularEconomy Railway EnergyServices ConventionalGeneration Renewables DistrictHeating ELECTRICITY AND HEATPRODUCTION ENERGYMARKET ADDITIONALACTIVITY Electricity Electricitydistributionservices Heatdistributionsservices Processedby-products Heat Electricity sold to final customers 34.7 TWh Electricity production 56.8 TWh Electricity Energy supplied to customers 38.9 TWh Electricity distribution services 2023 Heat production 50.3 PJ Heat District heating network 700 km Heat distributions services The volume of combustion by-productscollected from suppliers 3.5 million tons Processed by-products 2030 results Activities of PGE 2030 Supply Distribution CircularEconomy Railway EnergyServices Gas-firedGeneration Renewables DistrictHeating ELECTRICITY AND HEATPRODUCTION ENERGYMARKET ADDITIONALACTIVITY Electricity Electricitydistributionservices Heatdistributionsservices Processedby-products Heat 2030 Electricity RES production increase Transitional drop in production at conventionalsources after coal assets carve-out approx. 80% Electricity distribution services Increase in the volume of energy delivered tocustomers along with the growing electrificationof processes taking place in the economy Increased energy efficiency reduces the rate ofgrowth of energy consumption forecasts Heat Maintaining the level of installed thermal powerwhen replacing coal sources with low and zeroemission sources Increased volumes due to the connection ofnew customers Heat distributions services Increasing the waste recirculation rate andreducing the volume of landfilled waste Processed by-products

Human capital

  • Number of employees: 43 644 people
  • Employee volunteering
  • Management of diversity
  • Social dialogue
  • Employees: decrease in employment as a result of the spin-off of PGE GiEK and demographic and digitalisation trends
  • Further development of employees focused on the area of renewable energy and modern energy services

Intellectual capital

  • Research and Development Centre for Circular Economy
  • Research and development programs
  • Cooperation with scientific institutions
  • 100% remote customer service capability
  • Automation and digitalisation of processes

Natural capital

  • Lignite output 38.4 million tonnes
  • Wind power capacity 797 MW
  • Total volume of water used 27 251 million m3
  • Carve-out of coal assets
  • Wind power capacity additional 1 GW
  • Photovoltaic capacity > 3 GW
  • Offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea 2.5 GW by 2030 and 6.5 GW by 2040

Financial capital

  • Equity PLN 47.9 billion
  • Cash PLN 6.0 billion
  • Available credit lines in current accounts PLN 5.7 billion
  • Share of support funds in PGE Group’s financing needs at 25%
  • Investments in the project finance formula
  • Use of the potential of green debt financing
  • Funds from equity issue of PLN 3.2 billion

Production capital

  • Installed electricity capacity Conventional Generation 12 852 MW
  • Installed electricity capacity Renewables segment 2 480 MW
  • Installed thermal power District Heating segment 6 130 MWt
  • Length of distribution network 301.3 thousand km
  • Spin-off of coal assets (-12.8 GW)
  • Change in energy mix towards low- and zero-emission sources
  • Conversion of CHP plants to gaseous fuels and biomass, use of electrode boilers and large-scale heat pumps
  • Development of distribution networks to make full use of distributed sources

Social capital

  • Just Transition dialogue
  • Activation of local communities: “Choczewo – a Wind Driven Commune”
  • Social campaign “Polish – I buy it!”
  • Commitment to charitable activities (PGE Foundation), sponsoring culture and sport, nurturing national identity
  • Clean air and water. Cooperation in programs to combat smog.
  • Cooperation with energy communities
  • Building awareness and public engagement on the energy transition
  • Stakeholder education on the energy transition

Outcomes for employees

  • Total number of training days 494.2 thousand
  • Cost of employee benefits PLN 7 462 million
  • Competence Development Centre
  • Provision of a modern and friendly working environment
  • Development of competences and qualifications
  • Redeployment and retraining in energy transition regions

Outcomes for the environment

  • CO2 emissions 57.0 million tonnes
  • Land rehabilitated 2300 ha
  • R&D programs focused on environmental protection: 27
  • The volume of combustion by-products collected from supliers 3.5 million tons
  • Over 120 million tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided by 2030
  • Increase in waste recycling rate and reduction in landfill volume

Financial outcomes

  • EBITDA PLN 10 028 million
  • Capital expenditures PLN 10 088 million
  • Financial standing: long-term rating Baa1 (Moody’s), BBB+ (Fitch), stable outlook
  • EBITDA in 2030 > PLN 6 billion
  • Average annual capital expenditures in 2021-2030 PLN 7.5 billion
  • Stable credit rating maintained

Outcomes for customers

  • Customer Satisfaction Index (for PGE Obrót, G tariff) 89.1%
  • Connection of household PV installations (+794 MW)
  • Connection of new customers to the district heating network (+210 MWt)
  • 100% remote customer service capability
  • Maintaining the highest level of customer satisfaction in the energy market
  • Renewable energy installations for customers
  • >100 000 individual heating sources replaced by 2030

Social outcomes

  • Taxes paid to the state PLN 9 877 million
  • Donations made by PGE Foundation: 961 donations for over PLN 27m
  • Voluntary activities by employees >110 thousand trees planted in 2023
  • Just transition dialogue
  • Social engagement and corporate social responsibility
  • Increased involvement in new investment regions, e.g. offshore wind farms
  • Continued involvement in coal regions despite spin-off of coal assets

The transformation of the PGE itself will allow for the effective use of capitals with the changing environment

and thus effectively build the value not only of the organisation, but its value for the environment in which it operates.

  • Employees are PGE’s most valuable capital. It is thanks to their experience and involvement that we are able to build an organisation that combines social responsibility with business objectives.

    PGE Group is a place for people with passion and motivation. Our ambition is to be the most effective energy group in Poland. This also entails the implementation of best practices in corporate governance as regards human capital management, support for business decisions and management of productivity as well as standardisation of support processes.