Own personnel
The PGE Capital Group builds its market advantage and leadership in sustainable transformation on the basis of an efficient and effective organisation. The execution of tasks, especially those relating to employees, is driven by the company’s values such as partnership, development and responsibility. Hence the concern for the highest standards going beyond compliance with generally applicable legal norms, such as the right to rest, minimum wages, respect for rules on the non-employment of children and the prohibition of the employment of minors.
Activities in this area are carried out in accordance with the Human Capital Management (HCM) Business Strategy Implementation Plan for the years 2022 – 2025, which identifies both the joint initiatives that will be implemented by the Corporate Centre in cooperation with individual companies and the initiatives that are of primary importance for individual segments.
The key project that supports the implementation of the business strategy is the establishment of the PGE Group Knowledge and Development Centre in Lublin
Among the initiatives shared by the PGE Group, the following programmes and projects wer implemented in 2023:
- conducting the first competence assessment based on the competence model and common principles. In 2023, an assessment system was introduced in PGE Energia Ciepła, PGE Systemy, PGE Obrót and PGE Synergia. PGE S.A. conducted another edition of assessment. The solution will be implemented in more companies,
- providing managers, project managers and all staff with the appropriate change management knowledge and tools. To this end, a knowledge bank called “In the Current of Change” was launched,
- increasing the effectiveness of the management of the key personnel’s competencies across the PGE Group, which involves identifying positions of particular importance to PGE, ensuring their systemic management and implementing a succession mechanism,
- consolidating selected areas of support. The consolidation of the human capital management, marketing and communication, and legal areas, continued in 2023.
The composition of governing and supervising bodies, as well as the personnel broken down by gender and age. As at 31 December.
PGE Group | Data for 2023 | Data for 2022 | Data for 2021 |
Number of members of the Management Board | 83 | 91 | 81 |
Number of members of the Management Board, including: | |||
Women | 6 | 8 | 8 |
Men | 77 | 83 | 73 |
age: under 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
age: 30-50 | 44 | 51 | 49 |
age: over 50 | 39 | 40 | 31 |
Number of members of the Supervisory Board | 186 | 201 | 191 |
Number of members of the Supervisory Board in each of the following categories: |
Women | 49 | 50 | 52 |
Men | 137 | 151 | 139 |
age: under 30 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
age: 30-50 | 128 | 133 | 130 |
age: over 50 | 58 | 67 | 60 |
Total number of employees | 43,644 | 38,355 | 38,299 |
Number of employees in each of the following categories: | |||
Women | 8,646 | 7,805 | 7,735 |
Men | 34,998 | 30,550 | 30,564 |
age: under 30 | 3,635 | 2,939 | 2,864 |
age: 30-50 | 20,438 | 18,410 | 18,261 |
age: over 50 | 19,571 | 17,006 | 17,174 |
Percentage of members of the Management Board in each of the following categories: | |||
Women | 7.2% | 8.8% | 9.9% |
Men | 92.8% | 91.2% | 90.1% |
age: under 30 | 0.0% | 0.0% | 1.2% |
age: 30-50 | 53.0% | 56% | 60.5% |
age: over 50 | 47% | 44% | 38.3% |
Percentage of members of the Supervisory Board in each of the following categories: |
Women | 26.3% | 24.9% | 27.2% |
Men | 73.7% | 75.1% | 72.8% |
age: under 30 | 0.0% | 0.5% | 0.5% |
age: 30-50 | 68.8% | 66.2% | 68.1% |
age: over 50 | 31.2% | 33.3% | 31.4% |
Percentage of employees, including: | |||
Women | 19.8% | 20.3% | 20.2% |
Men | 80.2% | 79.7% | 79.8% |
age: under 30 | 8.3% | 7.7% | 7.5% |
age: 30-50 | 46.8% | 48% | 47.7% |
age: over 50 | 44.8% | 44.3% | 44.8% |
PGE S.A. | Data for 2023 | Data for 2022 | Data for 2021 |
Number of members of the Management Board | 5 | 5 | 6 |
Number of members of the Management Board, including: | |||
Women | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Men | 4 | 4 | 5 |
age: under 30 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
age: 30-50 | 2 | 2 | 3 |
age: over 50 | 3 | 3 | 2 |
Number of members of the Supervisory Board | 6 | 8 | 9 |
Number of members of the Supervisory Board, including: | |||
Women | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Men | 4 | 6 | 7 |
age: under 30 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
age: 30-50 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
age: over 50 | 4 | 5 | 5 |
Total number of employees | 1,139 | 818 | 701 |
Number of employees in each of the following categories: | |||
Women | 650 | 406 | 356 |
Men | 489 | 412 | 345 |
age: under 30 | 100 | 66 | 68 |
age: 30-50 | 862 | 647 | 548 |
age: over 50 | 177 | 105 | 85 |
Percentage of members of the Management Board in each of the following categories: | |||
Women | 20% | 20% | 16.7% |
Men | 80% | 80% | 83.3% |
age: under 30 | 0% | 0% | 16.7% |
age: 30-50 | 40% | 40% | 50% |
age: over 50 | 60% | 60% | 33.3% |
Percentage of members of the Supervisory Board, including: | |||
Women | 33.3% | 25% | 22.2% |
Men | 66.7% | 75% | 77.8% |
age: under 30 | 0.0% | 0% | 0% |
age: 30-50 | 33.3% | 37.5% | 44.4% |
age: over 50 | 66.7% | 62.5% | 55.6% |
Percentage of employees, including: | |||
Women | 57.1% | 49.6% | 50.8% |
Men | 42.9% | 50.4% | 49.2% |
age: under 30 | 8.8% | 8.1% | 9.7% |
age: 30-50 | 75.7% | 79.1% | 78.2% |
age: over 50 | 15.5% | 12.8% | 12.1% |
Total number of employees by gender in PGE Group
Total number of employees by gender at PGE SA
Diversity Policy
One of the manifestations of PGE’s core values is the creation of a working environment that is open to different points of view, diversity of thinking, as well as collaboration and respect. The Diversity Policy, which defines the principles followed in the PGE Group, was developed in 2022 and its provisions are implemented in operating activities.
In line with the PGE Group’s policy, diversity can manifest itself in many areas and arise from diverse sources, both biological and social. The dimensions of diversity may include, in particular, race, nationality, ethnicity, gender, age, health (including disability), religion or spirituality, culture, political beliefs, education, place of residence, place of origin, family status, socio-economic status, abilities, views, personality, knowledge, sexual identity, length of service, position, organisational assignment, membership of a social, professional or trade union organisation, form of employment or experience.
The objective of the diversity policy is to create a working environment that is open to different points of view, multiculturalism and diversity of ways of thinking, based on cooperation, mutual support, showing respect and ensuring fair and equal treatment, particularly in the following areas:
- recruitment, selection and employment,
- access to professional development,
- creation of a workplace free of bullying, discrimination and other inappropriate behaviour that is contrary to the Code of Ethics, but does not exhaust the criteria of bullying or discrimination,
- internships and apprenticeships,
- remuneration and job appraisal,
- vertical and horizontal promotions,
- employee evaluation,
- problem and conflict resolution.
The PGE Group employs a diverse range of people and works for a wide range of customers. It builds an inclusive culture that respects and maximises the contribution of all employees. This approach enables the sharing of knowledge, views and perspectives, the development of talents and the complementation of competencies, leading to effective synergies in all areas of cooperation.
Identifying pay gaps allows initiatives to be taken to minimise them. The PGE Group does not take into account an employee’s gender when making pay-related decisions; only their skills and qualifications necessary for the execution of particular tasks are assessed.
Detailed terms and conditions of employment and remuneration are determined in accordance with the regulations formulated by individual employers of the PGE Capital Group and the generally applicable labour law and in accordance with the legal system (including the freedom of choice of occupation and place of work provided for in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland or the regulations on the employment of young people).
These principles indicate the highest standards of human capital management across
the PGE Group.
They concern, among other things, the issue of unifying remuneration principles in relation to the business needs of individual segments and areas, as well as monitoring the competitiveness of total remuneration in relation to the external market and internal benchmarks, taking care to link it to the performance of individuals, teams and the PGE Capital Group as a whole. Salary tables are created that assume a reference value and a range of minimum and maximum salaries, in compliance with the applicable regulations, in particular those relating to the minimum wage.
In 2023, the companies took measures to support the implementation of the diversity policy, adapting them to the their respective businesses, current needs, the scale and manner of operations, as well as local conditions. A wheelchair lift was installed at PGE S.A. and, as in other companies, measures were taken to recruit and employ disabled people.
In some companies, the regulations concerning the internal sources of labour law were reviewed and adjusted, with changes taking into account developments in equal treatment and discrimination legislation. In PGE Systemy, communication concerning diversity issues was expanded by creating a special tab on the company’s intranet and including diversity issues in the adaptation programme for new employees.
There is a mental health support platform in PGE S.A., PGE Systemy, PGE Baltica and PGE Obrót. It provides consultation, psychotherapy or psychoeducation for both employees and their family members, also in the area of neuroatypicality.
Preventing bullying, discrimination and other inappropriate behaviour
The PGE Capital Group strives to ensure that the working environment is free from all forms of discrimination and mobbing. To this end, a uniform standard in the approach to anti-mobbing and anti-discrimination measures has been developed and adopted. Through the implementation of the anti-bullying procedure, the responsibilities of all employee groups are defined, from Board Members, through managers, to employees and representatives of the social partner.
The key objective of implementing the procedure is to prevent the occurrence of any
form of discrimination by raising people’s awareness of the problem and the consequences of the occurrence of undesirable behaviour through:
- the responsibility of management for preventing undesirable developments,
- the shaping of the appropriate principles of cooperation, mutual assistance and respect for others.
PGE Group employers periodically conduct mandatory preventive training. The mobbing and discrimination prevention procedure also sends a clear message to all employees about expected attitudes and behaviour towards undesirable phenomena.
Its objectives include the following:
Building an organisational culture oriented towards a safe working environment
Supporting employees if undesirable circumstances occur
Building a better working atmosphere based on cooperation and involvement
Reinforcing values consistent with the Group’s Ethical Code
The procedure describes actions to be taken in the event of a bullying and/or discrimination incident in the PGE Capital Group.
Reporting and the manner of cooperation in counteracting bullying and discrimination in the PGE Capital Group are set out in the Guidelines for Cooperation of Employers in the PGE Capital Group in relation to inappropriate behaviour, effective from 2021. It is an internal document specifying a range of organisational solutions.
In 2023, new training courses in the area of mobbing and discrimination prevention were prepared and conducted by legal specialists and in-house trainers or in an e-learning course format.
Occupational health and safety management system
The safety and health of those working for the PGE Group are among the priorities of the entire organisation.
The formal confirmation of this is the Occupational Health and Safety Policy, which was adopted by the PGE S.A. Management Board in 2020. It sets out a framework for operating and setting the organisation’s objectives for occupational health and safety management and recognises the area of occupational health and safety as a key value for the development of the organisation. It also defines long-term strategic undertakings relating to occupational health and safety and the basic principles for their implementation.
The OHS Policy was developed in cooperation with representatives of all business segments and was consulted with the entire PGE Group. Comments and insights into its draft version provided by the representatives of individual subsidiaries and social partners, but also from the social side, positively influenced the Policy’s final content.
The OHS Policy covers all PGE Group companies. It is either adopted directly or used as a basis for the Management Board’s declaration on the OHS Policy, which declaration takes into account the specifics of operations conducted in individual companies. The OHS Policy for the PGE Group reflects the requirements of the ISO 45001 standard for OHS Management Systems and the guidelines set out in the Labour Code.
In 2023, a strategic seminar dedicated to OHS issues took place with the participation of representatives from all PGE Group segments. Based on the conclusions formulated during the seminar, work on updating the OHS Policy of the PGE Group was initiated.
The OHS situation in the PGE Group is discussed at meetings of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. Proactive and reactive health and safety objectives were formulated for the top management of PGE CG subsidiaries. The PGE Capital Group has implemented the OHS management process which aims to ensure and maintain a high standard of working conditions and to protect the health and lives of employees, contractors and visitors to offices and operational facilities.
OHS management in PGE Group companies and specific solutions in this area are adjusted to specific local conditions and operations conducted by individual employers. The best practices are identified and replicated. In order to ensure the sharing of experience and mutual learning, an IT tool was implemented to collect information on health and safety incidents across the PGE Group, including occupational accidents and incidents with high potential for serious accidents. The knowledge gained in this way is capitalised in the form of additional health and safety measures taken in the Group either on a planned basis, through the Occupational Health and Safety Improvement Framework Plan, or on an ad hoc basis, in the form of alerts to the organisation, passed on to take preventive measures at other locations.
In 2023, the Occupational Health and Safety Improvement Framework Plan for PGE Group companies included tasks in the following areas:
Visible leadership in the field
implementation of a local regulation (internal normative document), or updating of an existing regulation, so as to formalise the obligation to implement regular visits by top management representatives to the places where work is carried out by the employees assigned within the structure. The aim of such visits is to gain eyewitness knowledge of working conditions and to reinforce positive behaviour.
Requirements for machinery
carrying out additional checks on machinery to ensure that it meets the requirements of the Regulation on essential requirements for machinery or the Regulation on minimum health and safety requirements for the use of machinery by workers during the performance of work.
Cooperation with contractors in the area of occupational health and safety
implementation of a local regulation (internal normative document) or updating of the existing regulation, so as to formalise and regulate the obligations related to the situation when workers employed by different employers are working at the same place at the same time, resulting from Article 208 of the Labour Code, including determination of the method of appointing a coordinator, providing information on hazards, etc.
Improvement of occupational health and safety during work at height
performance of additional detailed inspections of work at height, particularly in relation to the erection, dismantling and use of scaffolding, as well as the use of personal protective equipment to prevent falls during work at height. Implementation of measures to minimise risks when hazards are identified. Conduct of information campaigns in this area.
Reduction of the hazards of objects falling from height
performance of detailed inspections of workplaces and work sites to identify locations and processes that pose a risk of objects falling from height. Conduct of information campaigns in this area.
Individual employers prepare local occupational health and safety improvement plans based on the framework plan. A total of 20 companies to which tasks specified in the OHS Improvement Framework Plan had been assigned fulfilled their local OHS plans for 2023 at a level of 95 percent.
PGE Group companies comply with legal requirements relating to OHS. Compliance is verified by the organisational units responsible for audit issues, health and safety services, compliance, etc.
Twelve PGE Group companies (PGE GiEK S.A., BESTGUM sp. z o.o., PGE Toruń S.A., PGE Energia Ciepła S.A., RAMB sp. z o.o., ZEW KOGENERACJA S.A., EC Zielona Góra S.A., PGE Ekoserwis S.A., PGE Energetyka Kolejowa Holding sp. z o.o., PGE Energetyka Kolejowa S.A. – Head Office, PGE Energetyka Kolejowa Obsługa sp. z o.o., PGE Energetyka Kolejowa Centrum Usług Wspólnych sp. z o.o.), which as at 31 December 2023 had 24,509 FTEs, representing approximately 56 percent of all FTEs, have a certified OHS management system based on the PN-ISO 45001 standard.
OHS issues are a regular item discussed at top management meetings (e.g. board
meetings, top management meetings in individual branches).
They include OHS incidents, working conditions and other health and safety issues relevant for employees and contractors working on the premises of a given facility or company.
Expectations related to ensuring occupational health and safety of contractors’ personnel are disclosed in the Code of Conduct for Business Partners of PGE Group Companies. Business partners are expected to provide a safe work environment, comply with all applicable standards as well as OHS regulations, in particular to comply with the legal regulations in terms of providing workplace instructions, taking into account information on OHS conditions and requirements, providing appropriate protective measures and carrying out obligatory OHS training.
In 2023, PGE Energia Ciepła organised the fifth edition of a workshop for contractors. It was attended by contractors’ representatives, who became familiar with the PGE Group’s internal procedures and the dedicated websites on which PGE Energia Ciepła’s tender procedures are conducted. During the workshop, the OHS requirements applicable to contractors engaged by companies in the Heat Generation segment were discussed. Emphasis was put on the most common OHS irregularities caused by contractors’ employees and identified during inspections carried out by the company’s OHS officers. The participants received specific instructions on how such irregularities should be avoided and how work should be performed.
Occupational risk assessment
The foundation of occupational health and safety management in PGE Group companies is the assessment of occupational risks for individual jobs and positions. The process is tailored to the specific risks and operations of each company. A documented occupational risk assessment is provided for all jobs.
Depending on the needs and practices adopted in individual companies, different methods are used to assess occupational risks, for example:
- Risk score,
- PN 18002,
- Chemical risk assessment,
- KIM1,
- KIM2,
- 5-grade scale,
- JSA.
In order to ensure the most accurate results, the process of hazard identification and occupational risk assessment involves, depending on the location, the OHS service, the supervisors of the employees whose jobs and positions undergo assessment and often also the employees themselves, voluntary labour inspectors, other experts relevant to specific risks, members of the OHS committee, etc.
The power equipment used in individual companies and branches has operating instructions containing, among other things, information on the identification of risks to human health and life associated with the operation of such equipment, as well as rules of conduct aimed at eliminating identified risks. Where required, job instructions and other instructions describing the safe performance of work set out the steps to be taken before work is started, the rules and methods for the safe performance of work, the steps to be taken after work is completed, as well as the rules to be followed in the event of an emergency posing a threat to the life or health of workers. At CHP plants, risk assessments are additionally carried out for individual tasks as part of the work orders and permits system; more than 25,000 such analyses were carried out in 2023.
Concern for employee health
The PGE Group attaches great importance to developing initiatives related to improving the wellbeing and health of its employees. PGE Group employees are guaranteed private medical care, which also includes occupational medicine. As part of their medical care packages, they have the option of initial follow-up, as well as periodic examinations. At PGE, employees’ right to privacy is respected, so health information is not used in HR and employment decisions.
A key project encompassing physical and mental health prevention at PGE S.A. is
the “Action Regeneration” project, which aims to ensure the wellbeing of
Employees can benefit from free medical examinations, webinars with psychologists, nutritionists or physicians.
In cooperation with the Mental Benefits online counselling service, a psychological support platform has been made available, which can be used by employees of PGE S.A., PGE Baltica and PGE Systemy. It allows employees to make their own appointments for free online consultations with specialists offering psychological and therapeutic support (psychologists, psychotherapists, addiction therapists, psychotraumatologists, experts in parental support and business support, psychodietitians). After logging in, every employee also has access to materials and recordings promoting mental health and wellbeing. A similar tool has also been available to PGE Obrót employees since June 2023. This kind of support for employees has been very positively received and brings real help to those who need it, as evidenced by the number of consultations booked by employees and their high participation in the introductory webinars.
PGE Group Knowledge and Development Centre
Established in 2022, the Knowledge and Development Centre is a separate part of the Human Capital and Organisational Culture Management Department. Its aim is to organise development activities and provide ongoing advice to employees (including managers) on issues related to employee development, engagement or experience. It carries out training and recruitment on a daily basis and is responsible for the design and implementation of HR initiatives.
The Centre’s main tasks include the following:
Conducting recruitment processes
Organising and conducting training and other development activities (coaching, 1:1 development sessions)
Organising and conducting open training courses, conferences and seminars, as well as assisting employees in the acquisition of professional qualifications
Cooperating with schools, universities and other institutions
Providing flexible opportunities for competence development, implementing forms of digital learning (e-learning training, podcasts, webinars)
Advising on development, recruitment and NLM projects for individual employers
Conducting employee mediation processes
Cooperating with HR service providers
Non-escalating conflicts
Conflicts in an organisation are a common phenomenon, but if unresolved, they are a serious problem and affect the functioning and image of the whole organisation. In the event of disputes, a quick response is of crucial importance. Increasing conflict translates into stress and interferes with effective interpersonal communication, thereby reducing the quality of work.
The PGE Group wants to strengthen the idea of social dialogue and resolve difficult situations that have occurred or will occur. Thanks to expertly trained in-house mediators, a system of mediation within the organisation has been created.
The intra-organisational mediation procedure is designed for anyone who wants to resolve a difficult situation amicably, ending a conflict in order to work in a respectful atmosphere and with respect for the other person. Mediation should be undertaken in any case in which both parties agree to participate in it, with the exception of cases that are dealt with in accordance with procedures against mobbing, discrimination and inappropriate behaviour, and those bearing the hallmarks of a criminal offence, which should be reported to the law enforcement authorities.
In the PGE Group, mediation is sought to be the primary formal means of resolving conflicts in employee-superior, employee-employee and employee-employer relationships.
Dialogue with employees – employee surveys and the leader’s profile
In the PGE Group, dialogue with employees is an element of building employee commitment. Solutions that build company culture and improve employee wellbeing are introduced based on employee feedback and diagnosed needs. Tools for such a dialogue include the Employee Opinion Survey and the survey of managers’ leadership competencies called the Leader’s Profile. PGE obtains feedback from a large number of employees through cyclical activities.
In view of the very positive reception of the Employee Opinion Survey organised in the companies PGE S.A., PGE Systemy, PGE Energia Ciepła, PGE Baltica and the perceived benefits, more companies have declared their intention to join this initiative. PGE Obrót will join the next edition in 2024.
The survey participation figures for 2023 were as follows:
92 %
completed surveys in PGE S.A. and PGE Systemy
79 %
completed surveys in PGE Baltica
92 %
the turnout was 92 percent and 82 percent, respectively in all branches and subsidiaries of PGE EC
2023 was a year of improvement for the organisation based on the results of the survey conducted in 2022. At PGE S.A., one of the improvement initiatives implemented after the last survey was the Mental Benefit, a platform of psychological support for all employees. Individual departments also developed their own activities aimed at meeting the identified needs in their own areas. Within project groups at the organisation-wide level, willing employees worked on three selected indicators (wellbeing at work, business and leadership, cooperation). This resulted in concrete measures that were approved by the Board and will be implemented successively in 2024.
PGE Systemy diagnosed three main areas for improvement: leadership and business, wellbeing at work and development. On this basis, the following improvement measures were introduced:
- with regard to leadership and business:
- introduction of cyclical meetings with the management board
- introduction of a survey on managers’ leadership competencies – the “Leader’s Profile”
- introduction of a series of “Management over Coffee” meetings, where managers share their team management experience
- with regard to wellbeing at work:
- implementation of a platform to improve mental health
- training on work motivation
- improvement of the communication culture – introduction of an HR Newsletter
- with regard to development:
- introduction of a wide range of soft training courses
- introduction of dedicated training programmes
- introduction of a language learning platform
- introduction of the Udemy Business e-learning platform
- introduction of language training courses
- extending the training offer to include the energy market, the power of leadership, development network
In 2023, the “Leader’s Profile” survey of managers’ leadership competencies was conducted once again in selected companies. The participating employees evaluated the following management areas: communication, building relationships, motivating and building commitment, developing employees and achieving results. The information gained was used to further develop team management skills among the company’s executives. Managers received individual feedback reports on their level of managerial competencies and leadership index, i.e. the average percentage of positive answers given to all questions.
81 %
was the turnout in PGE S.A. and the leadership index reached 92 percent
69 %
was the turnout in PGE Baltica and the leadership index reached 91 percent
68 %
was the turnout in PGE Systemy and the leadership index reached 92 percent
As part of openness and discussions with employees, regular meetings are organised with the participation of the employer, representatives of trade unions and employees’ councils to share information on current activities and provide an opportunity for discussing the employer’s situation and employees’ needs.
An employee commitment survey is carried out at PGE Energetyka Kolejowa every year. In 2023, it was organised in the form of an online survey in November/December. The survey turnout was 94 percent and the commitment index increased from the previous year’s result by as many as 10 percentage points to 79 percent. This result is 26 percentage points higher than the national average.
The highest rated areas were:
86 percent positive indications (6 percentage points more than in 2022)
adherence to values
86 percent positive indications (6 percentage points more than in 2022)
Work-life balance
85 percent positive indications (5 percentage points more than in 2022)
83 percent (5 percentage points more than in 2022)
Internal communication
In 2023, the PGE Group continued to develop tools to facilitate efficient and effective provision of information to employees in various positions. The factor important for the development of internal forms of communication was, among other things the implementation of O365 tools in cooperation with the ICT area, thanks to which programmes and applications were made available to employees in most Group companies, thus creating an even more modern working environment.
Internal communication in figures. As at 31 December 2023.
The year 2023 marked the publication of close to 890 articles on the Corporate Intranet Portal and the further development of internal communication channels
254 articles
from the PGE Capital Group
483 articles
from companies
109 articles
from the Sport and Culture section
10 articles
from the Compliance department
33 articles
from the IT department
48 editions
of the newsletter
Mobile application
“Under the Umbrella”
available on company and private telephones podparasolem.gkpge.pl
10 online editions
the employees’ magazine “Under the Umbrella”, a total of approximately 400 pages
101 productions
Last year, a total of 890 articles were published on the PGE Group intranet. Forty-eight editions of the newsletter were delivered to staff mailboxes. Ten online editions of the employees’ magazine “Under the Umbrella” were published. It is available on the intranet and on any phone with internet access and the dedicated corporate application. This allows the PGE Group’s corporate magazine to reach a wide range of employees, especially those who do not work in office positions. We promote the principles of plain Polish and communicating in a clear and comprehensible manner among employees, and we have created an e-learning training course dedicated to this topic for all employees who want their communications to be even better understood by their addressees.
A particular form of internal communication is direct meetings between management and employees on the occasion of, for example, the Day of the Energy Sector Employee. They are an opportunity to give awards to outstanding employees, review companies’ achievements and present strategic plans for the future.
In the PGE Group, it is important to conduct an open and transparent dialogue with
employees, which translates into the strengthening of their identity and identification with the organisation and the promotion of the values included in the PGE Capital Group Code of Ethics.
This is achieved through online surveys and special email boxes where employees can send questions relating to HR matters or company strategy and ongoing projects. A dedicated hotline dedicated to HR issues has also been launched.
Getting feedback from employees is an important part of internal communication throughout the organisation. The area of internal communication is also included in the annual Employee Opinion Survey, which is conducted by an independent research company under the supervision of the human capital management unit at PGE S.A. Those wishing to do so can also share ideas and exchange insights on the internal blogs, whose topics are centred on ecology and the transformation of the energy industry.
In 2023, the culture sponsorship campaign under the slogan “We invite you to visit” also covered PGE Group employees and their relatives, who, thanks to PGE’s cooperation with cultural institutions across Poland, were able to participate in the most interesting cultural events in their regions.
The internal communications personnel discuss the main lines of action during regular online meetings. At least once a year, representatives of the communications area from all PGE Group companies meet in person to agree on the most important objectives to be pursued, as well as to review the ongoing initiatives and their effectiveness to date.
Cooperation with trade unions
At PGE Group employers – as at 31 December 2023 – there are a total of 152 different trade union organisations. In 2023, the number of trade union organisations increased significantly as a result of PGE S.A.’s acquisition of the PKP Energetyka holding (now PGE Energetyka Kolejowa). At the Corporate Centre itself there are invariably two trade unions: the “Solidarity” Inter-company Trade Union Organisation no. 2987 and the PGE Capital Group Employees Inter-company Trade Union Organisation.
As at 31 December 2023, nearly 29,500 employees belonged to the trade unions functioning at PGE Group employers. The percentage of PGE Group employees belonging to trade unions is 67.7 percent.
Cooperation with trade unions is regulated by the general procedure adopted on 1 January 2016 and entitled “The Corporate Principles of Social Relationships within the PGE Capital Group”. The Corporate Centre, individual companies and employers are obliged to build social relationships, not only in accordance with generally applicable laws and internal collective labour law documents, but also in accordance with this general procedure. The document sets out the principles and model for social dialogue among the Corporate Centre, companies, employers and social partners. Its main objective is to ensure social peace and implement the Group’s strategy by defining, coordinating and supervising the area of social dialogue at all levels of the organisational structure.
Thanks to the introduction of uniform rules in the area of social dialogue, the reporting process has been systematised, among other things, so that the Corporate Centre has up-to-date data necessary for an ongoing diagnosis of the social situation and the mitigation of potential risks.
Diagram of cooperation with trade unions
Employer / branch
Social dialogue with trade unions is conducted by employers on an on-going basis.
Key company
Social dialogue with trade unions forming councils or committees is conducted by comapny management boards.
Corporate Centre
Social dialogue is conducted by the management board of PGA SA, with the participation of management board presidents from specific companies, with trade union representatives from PGE Group.
The basic level of cooperation with social partners, according to the Trade Unions Act, is a branch or company, i.e. employer. This is where the processes that are closest to employees are carried out, such as health and safety, social issues, working conditions and salaries.
Another level of cooperation is the supra-company forum of individual PGE Group segments (companies), where topics common to all employers are discussed. Social dialogue at this level takes place between management boards and trade union platforms that bring together trade unions operating in individual workplaces in segments and having convergent sectoral interests. The rules of cooperation in this case are usually regulated in a dedicated cooperation agreement between social partners, management boards and employers.
In matters of strategic importance for the entire PGE Group, social dialogue is conducted at the Corporate Centre level between the Management Board of PGE S.A. and representatives of social partners.
In relations with trade unions, the principle of company dialogue prevails and talks are transferred to a higher level in the event that attempts to reach an agreement at the level of employers or companies do not yield expected results.
PGE S.A. and some employers in the PGE Group are also participants in the sectoral social dialogue, which is conducted, among others, on the forum of tripartite teams (the Tripartite Team for the Lignite Sector and the Tripartite Team for the Power Generation Sector).
Key aspects of social dialogue in the PGE Group in 2023
Recruitment and adaptation in the area of RES
The PGE Group’s energy transition in line with its business strategy involves new
investments, new electricity generation technologies, but also an increase in
demand for new competencies and professional qualifications of employees.
The offshore wind sector in Poland is a completely new branch of the energy industry the development of which requires a huge commitment, a concrete strategic perspective and, most importantly, new knowledge and skills.
PGE Baltica is the company in the PGE Group responsible for the development of offshore wind projects. Serving as a competence centre and facing a major challenge in the implementation of offshore projects, which are the basis of the energy transition in Poland, the company pays special attention to the process of recruitment, adaptation and development of employees. The recruitment process is carried out in a transparent manner with the highest standards and with the use of tools that allow the selection of the method most suited to the company’s current needs, such as an assessment centre or knowledge tests. The company also uses the services of headhunters.
PGE Energia Odnawialna also completed dozens of recruitment processes, both replacements and recruitments for new positions in connection with:
- building and developing competencies in the RES Investment Department, which is responsible for the development of new photovoltaic projects and, in the future, also wind projects after the relaxation of the Wind Farms Distance Act.
- including more wind and PV farms within the company’s own maintenance services provision range. Having its own maintenance services provision teams has made the company independent of third parties. In addition, the adopted maintenance services provision model is cheaper than that based on the use of external companies.
When it comes to recruiting employees for the company’s own wind and farm maintenance services, the company focuses primarily on candidates from outside the industry who have a technical background and/or maintenance experience and live in the vicinity of individual facilities. Any new hire from outside the wind sector is first obliged to take part in the accredited GWO Basic Safety Training onshore. In the next step, the new employee participates in more training courses to acquire the necessary skills and qualifications. Conducted by the Association of Polish Electricians and the Office of Technical Inspection, such courses are indispensable for safe work in particular positions.
Energy sector transformation process
Vocational training directions
One of the flywheels of the Polish energy transition is the offshore wind energy sector. Preparations are underway for more than a dozen megaprojects, i.e. the construction of offshore wind farms in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. These projects are expected to operate for several decades and, at the same time, they constitute a completely new experience for Polish energy companies, which have experience in onshore wind power or electricity distribution, while competencies in offshore wind power generation still need to be developed.
Cooperation with secondary schools
Trainee programmes
Job fairs
In 2023, PGE participated in 5 events in the Job Fair category:
- As the PGE Group, it participated in the JOBICON Work Festival organised by the Pracuj.pl Group in Warsaw,
- PGE Baltica participated in the EDU OFFSHORE WIND event in Gdańsk,
- PGE Energia Ciepła participated in the JOBICON event in Cracow,
- PGE Baltica participated in the Job Fair at the Gdańsk University of Technology.
- PGE Energetyka Kolejowa participated in the Engineering Job Fair at the Warsaw University of Technology
At the Warsaw JOBICON event, the PGE Group stand was visited by more than 4,000 participants. Conducted interviews resulted in the submission of 80 CVs submitted within a week of the meeting. During the Cracow edition of the event, PGE Energia Ciepła representatives answered questions about the ins and outs of working in the heat generation industry. The event was attended by several hundred people, mainly students and graduates of Cracow’s universities and secondary schools. PGE Baltica took part in the first EDU Offshore Wind educational career fair. Visitors to the fair were mainly secondary school pupils from Pomerania, who were just at the threshold of making decisions about their professional future. However, the stand was also visited by pupils who had already gained their first experience of working at sea.