The PGE Capital Group looks more broadly at the environment in which it operates. We strive to be fully aware of the areas in which the Group’s assets perate, which enables the production and investment rocesses to be adapted to the environment.
The Group’s companies use best practices, taking into account landscape and conservation, which involves restoring habitats to conditions that allow ecosystems to function properly, supporting natural processes that have been disrupted or restoring populations.
Conventional power generation on the road to biodiversity
The branches of PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna are actively working to preserve , understood as the multiformity and variability of life on Earth in all its forms and interactions.
In 2023, the company PGE Górnictwo i Energetyka Konwencjonalna continued its work aimed at preventing the loss of . It carried out extensive work to conserve protected and rare plant species. The resulting ecosystems are constantly evolving environments and are subject to change and transformation over time and their is constantly increasing.
PGE Energia Ciepła
The PGE Group’s CHP plants operate in industrial areas with a limited degree of . There are no Natura 2000 areas or other areas subject to protection under the Nature Conservation Act of 16 April 2004 (e.g. national and landscape parks, etc.) at PGE Energia Ciepła locations, in particular within the boundaries of the land to which the company holds a legal title. In those areas there are no large or small ecological corridors. The sites with industrial facilities are fenced off and therefore there is no possibility of wildlife entering them. However, there are such areas in the closer and farther vicinity of PGE Energia Ciepła’s plants, which is why they are taken into account at the investment preparation stage.
PGE Energia Odnawialna
There are protected areas in the vicinity of PGE Energia Odnawialna’s facilities. Technological processes, the operation of equipment and ongoing investments do not cause interference with the of these areas.
Conducted wildlife research projects provide data on the factual impact of the company’s activities on species richness.
Observations made during nature monitoring showed positive effects of the activities carried out so far.
In the case of PGE Energia Odnawialna, the technological processes, operation of equipment and current investment projects do not cause interference with the of protected areas. The green areas in the possession of the company are maintained by dedicated maintenance teams. There are also Special Areas of Conservation Nature 2000 in the vicinity of the company’s facilities. PGE Energia Odnawialna participates in the costs of restocking rivers and lakes with fish in accordance with the provisions of water permits, and constructed fish ladders enable unimpeded fish migration. The inspections of the functioning wind farms did not indicate any need to take any special measures to protect . Should such need arise, preventive measures will be taken. Biological research will be continued in the following years.
PGE Dystrybucja
The PGE Dystrybucja office buildings are not located in Natura 2000 areas or other areas subject to protection under the Nature Conservation Act of 16 April 2004. At their sites there are no large or small ecological corridors. However, power lines run through protected areas and there are various types of switchgear facilities within such areas, for example within the boundaries of the Wigierski, Biebrzański and Narwiański National Parks, the Piska, Białowieska, Augustowska, Knyszyńska and Kampinoska Forests, the Warta i Widawka Rivers, Łódzkie Hills, Nadbużański, Mazowiecki, Chojnowski, Spalski, Sulejowski and Bolimowski Landscape Parks, the Warszawsko-Berlińska Proglacial Valley, the Przysowa and Słudwia Valleys and the Jeziorsko Reservoir Natura 2000 areas, as well as the protected areas of Bieszczady and Roztocze.
Any tree felling operations carried out by PGE Dystrybucja are the result of the legal obligations of the Distribution System Operator. This means the necessity to maintain the capacity of the network to supply electricity to customers in a safe, continuous and reliable manner. In order to fulfil this obligation, it is essential to plan and perform works involving the clearing of power line routes of trees, branches and shrubs. PGE Dystrybucja also has a planning and execution manual for this type of works, which establishes the principles of tree felling operations.
Thanks to an agreement with the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds, PGE Dystrybucja implemented the project called “Protection of the white stork in the river valleys of eastern Poland”. Its main objective was to reduce white stork mortality due to electrocution.
PGE Energetyka Kolejowa
In its custody across Poland, PGE Energetyka Kolejowa has a total of almost 4,500
In those areas there are various forms of nature protection such as nature parks, reserves or natural monuments. The company conducts its operations in such a way as to minimise any disturbance to the of the areas.
A special place is a small plot of land located within the limits of the Biebrzański National Park. It has been formally excluded from protected status. The plot accommodates a power substation, which is an essential element of the local power infrastructure.
As part of the expansion of the GIS Mapper application, it has been extended to include environmental data such as forms of nature conservation, RAMSAR areas, ecological corridors, data on natural resources from the General Directorate of Environmental Protection, invasive alien species, groundwater quality monitoring, pollution concentration monitoring, areas exposed to flood risk, surface waters, boundaries of Polish water units, major groundwater reservoirs, environmental damage and pollution, hydrographic division of Poland and groundwater monitoring. Depending on the type of information published in the data sources (Chief Inspectorate for Environmental Protection, National Protection Information System, Polish Geological Institute, PIG, General Directorate of Environmental Protection, State Water Management Enterprise), they are available as vector or raster data, which makes it possible to generate reports in relation to the Railway Power Engineering Infrastructure or only to visualise the information on a map in a graphical format.
The Mapper application offers the possibility of verifying, among other things, which forms of nature protection are located in the vicinity of PGE Railway Power Engineering facilities, which can be used at the stage of planning future works.
Activities for biodiversity
The PGE Group actively works to preserve and develop . It has taken care of birds, forests, animals and vegetation for many years. It participates in a number of partnerships and original projects to monitor, conserve in perpetuity, and develop ecosystems.
Partnership for biodiversity
The PGE Group is also involved in a number of other projects in the field of ecology, as well as nature and climate protection. It supports national parks, cooperates with the Regional Directorates of the State Forests, forest districts, ornithological societies and other nature and climate protection organisations. PGE is also a strategic partner of the League for Nature Conservation.