Risks and opportunities in social area
In the company and in the PGE Group, we identify risks in the area of human rights issues and anti-corruption and put in place ways to manage this area.
The PGE Capital Group has consequently developed a comprehensive risk management system. The Group measures and assesses risks in the key companies of the Group.
Mechanisms allowing identification of areas exposed to risk and risk level measurement methods are constantly verified and developed. Thanks to that, the significant risks concerning various areas of operations are identified and kept within the assumed limits by reducing negative effects of such risks and by taking preventive or corrective measures.
Identified risks and management in the area of human rights issues in the PGE Group
In the area of respect for human rights, we recognise in the PGE Group the risk of bullying and harassment incidents, related to the possibility of material, personal or financial damage resulting from employees’ actions. Accordingly, we carry out mitigating measures such as:
- Training for employees and managers
- Whistleblower function – possibility to report irregularities observed in the organisation
- Shaping a friendly working environment, appropriate rules of social coexistence and respecting the dignity and personal rights of employees
Another risk identified is the risk of discriminatory actions against employees, resulting from possible cases of unlawful acts. Our mitigating actions in this area are:
- Work regulations.
- Employee training
- Internal standards for reporting irregularities and providing information
Identified risks and management approaches in the area of human rights issues in PGE S.A.
With regard to issues of respect for human rights in PGE S.A., as in other industries, there is a risk of bullying and harassment incidents, related to the possibility of material, personal or financial damage resulting from employees’ actions. We therefore take mitigating measures.
- Training for employees and managers
- Whistleblower function – possibility to report irregularities observed in the organisation
- Impartial Advisor function – possibility to contact an external entity about mobbing incidents
As in other organisations, there is also a risk of discriminatory actions against employees, resulting from possible commission of unlawful acts Mitigating actions in this area are:
- Work regulations
- Employee training
- Internal standards for reporting irregularities and providing information
Since 2017, the PGE Group has had anti-corruption regulations in place, which are updated on an ongoing basis. These regulations constitute the operationalisation of the PGE Group’s Code of Ethics, which is the overarching document.
Identified risks and management options in the area of corruption prevention in the PGE Group
In the PGE Group, the risk of fraud and corruption is identified, resulting from possible commission of unlawful acts. The mitigating actions carried out in this area are:
- The Code of Ethics of the PGE Capital Group
- The anti-corruption policy of the PGE Capital Group
- Employee training
- Monitoring of business activities to identify and explain incidents that are unusual for a reasonably run business
- An implemented fraud reporting system ensuring confidentiality of persons reporting irregularities
- Internal monitoring (compliance control) of the company’s processes and internal regulations
- Easy access to regulations concerning the functioning of the company (codes, rules, principles)
- Employees’ declarations of the absence of conflicts of interests
Another is purchase risk, resulting from possible errors in the process of purchasing materials and services. Mitigating measures include:
- The purchase policy of the PGE Capital Group and the General Purchase Procedure of the PGE Capital Group
- The Code of Conduct for Business Partners of the Companies in the PGE Capital Group
- Obligation to comply with the provisions of the Good Purchase Practices and the Code of Ethics
- Analysis of the provisions of the Terms of Reference before their approval, in particular the conditions for participation and the General Purchase Procedure
- Communication and employee training
- Application of the system for the assessment and qualification of contractors
- Additional random verification of individual purchase procedures and the purchasing plan
- Exemption declarations by participants in procedures
- Documentation of the course of purchase procedures
Identified risks and management options in the area of anti-corruption in the company PGE S.A.
As in other companies, there is a risk of fraud and corruption in PGE S.A., resulting from possible commission of ulawful acts. Among the mitigating actions, the following stand out:
- The Code of Ethics of the PGE Capital Group
- The anti-corruption policy of the PGE Capital Group
- Easy access to regulations concerning the functioning of the company (codes, rules, principles)
- Cyclical review of internal regulations
- Initial and periodic training of employees
- Employees’ declarations of the absence of conflicts of interests
- Monitoring of business activities to identify and explain incidents that are unusual for a reasonably run business
- Monitoring of actions related to the issue of powers of attorney
- Ongoing supervision of tasks assigned to employees and monitoring of compliance of such tasks with allocated scopes of duties
- An implemented fraud reporting system ensuring confidentiality of persons reporting irregularities
- Internal monitoring (compliance control) of the company’s processes and internal regulations
Purchase risks, resulting from possible errors in the process of purchasing materials and services, have been identified and mitigating measures have been taken.
- The purchase policy of the PGE Capital Group and the General Purchase Procedure of the PGE Capital Group
- The Code of Conduct for Business Partners of the Companies in the PGE Capital Group
- Obligation to comply with the provisions of Good Purchase Practices and the Code of Ethics
- Analysis of the provisions of the Terms of Reference before their approval, in particular the conditions of participation and the Description of the Object of the Contract
- Communication and employee training
- Application of the system for the assessment and qualification of contractors
- Additional random verification of individual purchase procedures and the purchasing plan
- Exemption declarations by participants in procedures
- Documentation of the course of purchase procedures